Tag: haha
Taking Another Look at the Myth of the ‘Nice Guy’
Taking Another Look at the Myth of the 'Nice Guy', courtesy of Lore Sjorberg, who I am delighted to find has his head on straight because I used to love Brunching Shuttlecocks on Ye Olde Internette.
Now, I hear some of you complaining “women always say they want a nice guy.” I know lots of women — I’m even related to a few — and I can’t say I’ve ever heard any of them say that. I can’t prove it, but this sounds like one of those things stand-up comedians say about women and everyone else just repeats. I’ve also never known a woman who cries when she breaks a nail — although I’ve known a few who swear like a 15-year-old sailor in jail — and I’ve never had a woman ask me if her outfit made her look fat unless she actually wanted and subsequently appreciated my opinion. So either I’ve stumbled upon a secret trove of women who aren’t passive-aggressive sob machines, or you need to stop mistaking Dane Cook routines for peer-reviewed sociological studies.
Life Advice from Machines
So the Pope up and quit. I did Nazi that coming.
Inside the Battle of Hoth: The Empire Strikes Out
Inside the Battle of Hoth: The Empire Strikes Out wins on comments
Have you even served with the Imperial forces? Sure it’s easy to take potshots from your military blog in some no-name star system while the fleet and its legions fight the rebel insurgents, but combined space/air/ground operations are a lot messier than any infographic could ever portray.
Even with the Empire’s full spectrum dominance of the battlespace, you can’t just leverage fleet assets which are optimized for ship-to-ship combat into a large scale ground invasion force. A Star Destroyer might have more firepower than the entire militaries of less advanced worlds but you still need a proper ground assault ship to support infantry landings.
Unfortunately, the do-nothing blowhards in Coruscant couldn’t get funding for the promising alternative designs from Sienar Fleet Systems and we ended up (as usual) with Kuat Drive Yards’ overpriced, overdue, and underperforming AT-AT mess.
sexy beast
A confident girl
Programming Language Checklist
Programming Language Checklist
You appear to believe that:
[ ] “Spooky action at a distance” makes programming more fun