Month: September 2013
Building secure web apps: Python vs the OWASP Top 10 – YouTube
Fuck You. I’m Gen Y, and I Don’t Feel Special or Entitled, Just Poor.
After the Sausage of Summer is Gone
Assignment by a student in Lynda Barry’s class
Security technologist says David losing Internet battle with Goliath
Security technologist says David losing Internet battle with Goliath. Bruce Schneier.
Football fans’ saturated-fat consumption…
Study: Football fans’ saturated-fat consumption increased by as much as 28% after losses & decreased 16% after wins.
I bookmarked this just to revive my “sportsfeelings” tag.
Netflix Uses Pirate Sites to Determine What Shows to Buy
Netflix Uses Pirate Sites to Determine What Shows to Buy
Every quote in that pr piece seems so reasonable. I suppose I am the target market.