Comment: Five years for harm-reduction services too long – Times Colonist
Category: Delicious
A Eulogy for #Occupy | Wired Opinion |
The Great Decoupling of the US Economy
Elsevier editorial system hacked, reviews faked, 11 retractions follow « Retraction Watch
CABINET // The Coldscape
Anti-native racism common in Toronto health care –
Anti-native racism common in Toronto health care –
Includes a list of examples where stereotypes led to physical harm, lack of medical treatment, etc.
The MOOC movement is not an indicator of educational evolution – O’Reilly Radar
The MOOC movement is not an indicator of educational evolution – O’Reilly Radar
Canned online courses as transitional media, like films of stage plays.
A key-value store with other data models and querying apis layered over top, so you can treat the same data as relational (with sql queries) and graph (with gremlin traversals) at the same time. WHAT. Indexes as a data model, like in document databases.
No Longer Vaporware: The Internet of Things Is Finally Talking | Wired Opinion |
No Longer Vaporware: The Internet of Things Is Finally Talking | Wired Opinion |
“So Sande bought a new gizmo called the WeMo Switch, which connects to the Internet so you can turn on an outlet remotely. It’s also programmable. Using the free web service If This Then That, Sande created a script that monitors information from Yahoo Weather. If the temperature in his neighborhood hits 85 degrees, the fan turns itself on and cools the house.”