Month: December 2010
Styling File Inputs with CSS and the DOM //
A List Apart: Articles: Smartphone Browser Landscape
Making user testing happen Boagworld
Cheapass Games – Nothing Beats Rock
Cheapass Games – Nothing Beats Rock
Oh hello, Cheapass Games.
Ian Bogost – Cow Clicker
“Basically, we came up with a design for a clicking-game, where each click generated a score. A random score. Except that these random scores were posted on an ordered leaderboard. I think one of my buddies even went so far as to implement it, mostly as coding practice. Unsurprisingly, people were happy to click multiple times in pursuit of a number high enough to warrant a spot on the publicly displayed list.”
UVic School-Based Weather Station Network — Two-Dimensional Plots of Current Weather Data
“collage of a man, a bar graph and internet” – Royalty-Free – Corbis
“collage of a man, a bar graph and internet” – Royalty-Free – Corbis
How did I find this? When will I look away?