Men Explain Things to Me; Facts Didn’t Get in Their Way | Common Dreams
This is the best mansplaining story ever.
an appendix to
Men Explain Things to Me; Facts Didn’t Get in Their Way | Common Dreams
This is the best mansplaining story ever.
Tiger Beatdown CHRONICLES OF MANSPLAINING: Professor Feminism and the Deleted Comments of Doom
Long sarcastic rant, kind of haha, whatever. Bookmarking for naming this phenomenon: You bitch, I have a Rolls Roycewow. For years my sweetie and I have called this phenomenon Bitch, I was just trying to give you a compliment.”
DEAR SUGAR, The Rumpus Advice Column #72: The Future Has An Ancient Heart – The
I want to cross-breed this with Heather’s advice for talking to youth. “You are so god damned young. Which means about eight of the ten things you have decided about yourself will over time prove to be false. The other two things will prove to be so true that youll look back in twenty years and howl.”
“I am afraid to even ask this, but since when is unemployment really a problem? I understand we all want paychecks — or at least money… But do we all really want jobs? “
Nothing too new here, but this is an awesome virginity myth: “You can only lose it once.”
a life of fragments, “feminists” vs feminists
“Denying these people the title of feminist is denying the history of feminism as a tool of oppression.”