Hugo Schwyzer: “All men are dogs”: Trust, suspicion, and youth ministry
A man realizing patriarchy is real, I guess. “I’m no longer hurt when folks don’t trust me just because I’m a man — I accept now that they have every reason not to.”
an appendix to
Hugo Schwyzer: “All men are dogs”: Trust, suspicion, and youth ministry
A man realizing patriarchy is real, I guess. “I’m no longer hurt when folks don’t trust me just because I’m a man — I accept now that they have every reason not to.”
Words are not fists: some thoughts on how men work to defuse feminist anger at Hugo Schwyzer
On prefacing statements with, “I know I’m going to make the women angry, but…”
Where are all the men bloggers? | Geek Feminism Blog
i can’t believe how long thread this goes on before it gets shaky.
Dinosaur Comics – August 11th, 2009 – awesome fun times!
“According to the Mayan calendar, the world will end in 2012.” / “According to the clock on my computer, the world began on January 1st, 1970.”
Dinosaur Comics – August 14th, 2009 – awesome fun times!
directed panspermia…
fingerprints, and kind of sfw.
Polyamory: How to Be a Secure Person
not new ideas to me but somehow seems more thorough.
Franklin’s Randomness File: Essays on Life
“Polyamory, loss, and the superhero soul”… people are not replaceable :)