Tag: hate
Doug Christie: The Unauthorized Obituary
Doug Christie: The Unauthorized Obituary
On his website, Christie grandiloquently declared himself to be “Canada’s greatest free speech defender.” What nonsense. When did Christie ever defend speech with which he did not agree? He gained a national platform defending clients against hate-crimes laws and human-rights tribunals, but less well remembered was his own frequent use of the courts to stifle the speech of opponents.
Dairy farmer accused of giving cattle hormone to woman to force miscarriage
Dairy farmer accused of giving cattle hormone to woman to force miscarriage
“According to police, Sutton said he didn’t mean to harm Tucker, just to cause her to miscarry.”
apophenia: Why Blogs Aren’t a Safe Space
Dailymotion – Share Your Videos – What Really Goes On In South Dakota :: abortion, south, dakota, politics, feminist
news clip where south dakota senator bill napoli goes into detail about who deserves an abortion. hint: sodomized virgins.