Tag: crafty
Facial Awareness
Scarf made from an old tee and lace.
Elf Ears
On the Street……Rue Vieille du Temple, Paris « The Sartorialist
Montana Wildlife Gardener: Build a Mason Bee House in 5 Minutes
Montana Wildlife Gardener: Build a Mason Bee House in 5 Minutes
With links to studies on efficacy of intervention in building bee habitat. (Results: meh, but doesn’t make things worse.)
What is Walter Van Beirendonck Trying to Say? | Racialicious – the intersection of race and pop culture
Stitch-hacking and pattern-blagging at Prick Your Finger | Keep & Share
Stitch-hacking and pattern-blagging at Prick Your Finger | Keep & Share
Good one. Laddering, adjusting colour work, flipping knits and purls.