Tag: money
Manufacturing consent | Focus Online
Manufacturing consent | Focus Online.
Rich Coleman says LNG development is about “generational opportunity”—it’s for his grandchildren. We follow the money.
How One Tweet Almost Broke US Financial Markets | Mother Jones
Women in Tech and Empathy Work | Lauren Bacon
Women in Tech and Empathy Work | Lauren Bacon
“Are coders encouraged to develop their people skills (communication with colleagues and customers, user empathy, etc.), or are those skills offloaded to other departments? How do you determine the pay grades for the various roles and departments in your company? Do compensation levels reflect any unconscious assumptions about the respective value of different skill sets? How do you value your team’s “empathizers”?”
Girl Geeks and Boy Kings | Dissent Magazine
Girl Geeks and Boy Kings | Dissent Magazine
“What Facebook has accomplished, by Losse’s account, isn’t the erosion of the boundary between public life and private life, but our divisions between work and pleasure. “