NYPD Unveils Creepy New Surveillance System Developed with Microsoft | Betabeat

NYPD Unveils Creepy New Surveillance System Developed with Microsoft | Betabeat

the NYPD would soon begin rolling out new tech that brings together information streams like CCTV footage and criminal databases. Developed in partnership with Microsoft, it’s dubbed (with disturbing blandness) the “Domain Awareness System.” Today, Mayor Bloomberg makes it official with an announcement. However, there’s a little detail that’s new: New York gets a 30 percent cut of any future sales to other cities

The Shlemiel way of software – Microsoft – Salon.com

The Shlemiel way of software – Microsoft – Salon.com

“Theres two limitations to the Web: One is the quality of the user interface you can create, which is deliberately hobbled by incompatibilities between Javascript implementations and DOM and stuff like that, deliberately hobbled by Microsoft pulling the plug on Internet Explorer development.”