Google Fiber is live in Kansas City, real-world speeds at 700Mbps | Ars Technica

Google Fiber is live in Kansas City, real-world speeds at 700Mbps | Ars Technica

“He lives in a four-bedroom house run by “Homes For Hackers” on Kansas City’s Hanover Heights neighborhood, just on the state border with Missouri. The house has become one of the hubs for the KC Startup Village, an informal group of entrepreneurs who have clustered around homes immediately eligible for Google Fiber.”

The Social Graph is Neither (Pinboard Blog)

The Social Graph is Neither (Pinboard Blog)

Hooray for comparing FB to AOL + Prodigy in the 90s. Also for RDF jokes. “You might almost think that the whole scheme had been cooked up by a bunch of hyperintelligent but hopelessly socially naive people, and you would not be wrong. Asking computer nerds to design social software is a little bit like hiring a Mormon bartender. Our industry abounds in people for whom social interaction has always been more of a puzzle to be reverse-engineered than a good time to be had, and the result is these vaguely Martian protocols.”