“Whiteness is more than a racial identification; its a racial inheritance of a history of privilege, property, and opportunity secured by and through heritage capitalism.”
Tag: colonialism
ephemere: No country for strangers
ephemere: No country for strangers
‘We… had the means to access “superior” educational materials… This is not an expression of unalloyed liberty to progress further toward ‘enlightenment’. It is part of an educational system that was to a large extent instituted during the American occupation…’
Feminist Intersection: On hipsters/hippies and Native culture | Racialicious – the intersection of race and pop culture
“No, it’s cool, it’s not like your ancestors killed them all or anything.”
Some Basic Racist Ideas and some Rebuttals, & Why We Exist | Racialicious – the intersection of race and pop culture
“The resistance Jessica got is so standard that we can categorise it into three, typical responses that entitled folks make when called out for their privilege. So here, organised for your reading ease…”
The Pinky Show Archives
Hawaii vs US Imperialism
cute animals and baby voices make colonial facts more palatable, maybe?
I detest writing.
“For America to Live, Europe Must Die”
Upping the Anti | A Journal of Theory and Action
Scottish Caribbean History Feature
Scottish Caribbean History Feature
geoff palmer again.
New centre for study of Scottish diaspora is mired in controversy | Education | The Guardian
New centre for study of Scottish diaspora is mired in controversy | Education | The Guardian
Geoff Palmer, Tom Devine… scotland as colonizer