Month: January 2012
The Dojo Build System view /build/index
Between the Lines – Features – Los Angeles magazine
Between the Lines – Features – Los Angeles magazine
“After Seattle conducted its own study on performance-based parking, engineers noticed an oddity: When prices dropped on certain blocks, drivers actually parked less. No one can explain this.”
Revealing Economic Terrorists: a Slumlord Conspiracy
20 Years of Black Lesbian Cinema
Stitch-hacking and pattern-blagging at Prick Your Finger | Keep & Share
Stitch-hacking and pattern-blagging at Prick Your Finger | Keep & Share
Good one. Laddering, adjusting colour work, flipping knits and purls.
Boycott SOPA: An Android app that terrifies publishers and politicians | ExtremeTech
Boycott SOPA: An Android app that terrifies publishers and politicians | ExtremeTech
“an Android app that scans barcodes and tells you whether an objects manufacturer/publisher is a supporter of the much maligned Stop Online Piracy Act.”