Monday Begins on Saturday – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
from evgeny
an appendix to Hands (9780691025476): John Napier, Russell H. Tuttle: Books
“Intended for all readers– including magicians, detectives, musicians, orthopedic surgeons, and anthropologists…”
A Brief Rant on the Future of Interaction Design
“Are we really going to accept an Interface Of The Future that is less expressive than a sandwich?”
The Social Graph is Neither (Pinboard Blog)
Hooray for comparing FB to AOL + Prodigy in the 90s. Also for RDF jokes. “You might almost think that the whole scheme had been cooked up by a bunch of hyperintelligent but hopelessly socially naive people, and you would not be wrong. Asking computer nerds to design social software is a little bit like hiring a Mormon bartender. Our industry abounds in people for whom social interaction has always been more of a puzzle to be reverse-engineered than a good time to be had, and the result is these vaguely Martian protocols.”
Garden path sentence – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
“lured into an improper parse”
List of linguistic example sentences – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
If the police police police police, who polices the police police? Police police police police police police!
Grommet Skirt Sewing Projects |
Would be better with metal :)