This is not that funny, but referring to Steve Jobs as horrifying because he is “rich enough to place phone calls to order body organs” gets a bookmark.
Month: July 2011
The Trouble with Proving It Dances With Fat
How could I refuse? Jeffrey Zeldman Presents The Daily Report
How could I refuse? Jeffrey Zeldman Presents The Daily Report
“I dont know what you guys are freaking out about. I keep all of my home pages in my archive. Its where I keep my SEO.”
Why We Need the New News Environment to be Chaotic Clay Shirky
Animated GIFs Triumphant – Anil Dash
The Gender Question | Bagcheck
The Gender Question | Bagcheck
Preferred Possessive Pronoun: [ ] Her [ ] His [ ] Their
Leaflet – a modern, lightweight JavaScript library for interactive maps by CloudMade
“I’m a technical lead on the Google+ team. Ask me anything.”
“I’m a technical lead on the Google+ team. Ask me anything.”
“I’m hopeful that Google+ can help us move the social web towards a more distributed, federated world where different users can use many/different tools and they still all stay richly connected.”
How Digital Detectives Deciphered Stuxnet, the Most Menacing Malware in History | Threat Level|
Penny Arcade! – The Fruit Of Another
Penny Arcade! – The Fruit Of Another
“Our apps bring all the boys to the yard!”