Tag: scotland
Donna Wilson
Scottish Women’s Rural Institutes
Scottish Women’s Rural Institutes
Sanquhar Glove Patterns … 60p
Scottish Caribbean History Feature
Scottish Caribbean History Feature
geoff palmer again.
New centre for study of Scottish diaspora is mired in controversy | Education | The Guardian
New centre for study of Scottish diaspora is mired in controversy | Education | The Guardian
Geoff Palmer, Tom Devine… scotland as colonizer
Eigg: Decolonising Lands & Minds
Eigg: Decolonising Lands & Minds
Alastair McIntosh… Scotland as colonized
Gaelic In Scottish History and Culture
Gaelic In Scottish History and Culture
“While the experience of oppression by an empire is by no means unique to Gaels, Ireland and Scotland were often the test bed for colonial policies which were subsequently applied in British colonies.”