an appendix to
Sixty years ago, computers were used for the first time to predict the outcome of a presidential race. CBS used the UNIVAC, one of the first commercial computers, on loan. The prediction was spot on, but a decade passed before the computer’s potential was finally realized on election night.
Source: The Night A Computer Predicted The Next President : All Tech Considered : NPR
“Thus, while scholars of the impact of the internet in non-democratic regimes have barely turned to the concept of media literacy, scholars of medialiteracy have barely turned to study non-democratic regimes. Against this backdrop, one of the primary aims of the present article is to link these two academic debates by, tentatively,suggesting a concept of critical news literacy as it can be conceived of in a contemporary non-democratic regime.”
Inside Google+ How the Search Giant Plans to Go Social | Epicenter|
just wired’s overview.