In Ducks, War of the Sexes Plays Out in the Evolution of Genitalia – New York Times
in ducks, the males seem to do an equivalent of menstruating: they grow and lose phalluses.
an appendix to
In Ducks, War of the Sexes Plays Out in the Evolution of Genitalia – New York Times
in ducks, the males seem to do an equivalent of menstruating: they grow and lose phalluses.
goes with the fertility-tracking armband
twenty1f: Arm band allowing women to track their fertility in an easy and stylish way
i love that people are still trying to come up with ways to track your cycle without learning anything about your body. when you ovulate, it sends txt to your *partner*? wtf?
Why do these keep popping up? Do people not get it about spikes and razors in the vagina making you bleed (safe!), propagating violence, promoting expectations that women will be raped, etc etc… ??