Who is doing the killing in Gaza? Noam Chomsky and others challenge world’s media
Tag: media
Critical News Literacy in a Non-Democratic Regime: How Young Russians NavigateTheir News | Florian Toepfl – Academia.edu
“Thus, while scholars of the impact of the internet in non-democratic regimes have barely turned to the concept of media literacy, scholars of medialiteracy have barely turned to study non-democratic regimes. Against this backdrop, one of the primary aims of the present article is to link these two academic debates by, tentatively,suggesting a concept of critical news literacy as it can be conceived of in a contemporary non-democratic regime.”
Top-Ranked Journals Are Losing Their Share of Top-Cited Articles
“Their own first responders”: prosocial behavior in disasters – New APPS: Art, Politics, Philosophy, Science
S.H.A.M.E. Project › Shame the Hacks who Abuse Media Ethics…
Indigenous Nationhood: Flanagan National Petroleum Ownership Act: Stop Big Oil Land Grab
The Wall Street Journal: Dismissing Environmental Threats Since 1976 | Research | Media Matters for America
When information “goes viral”, does it really spread virally? « Choice & Inference
SXSW 2012: The Ultimate Bruce Sterling Talk on Huffduffer
Trayvon: Having a Black Friend Doesn’t Change Racial Bias | TIME Ideas | TIME.com
Trayvon: Having a Black Friend Doesn’t Change Racial Bias | TIME Ideas | TIME.com
Ouuuuuch. “Friendship with black people and even being a black person does nothing to change racial bias. Indeed, almost one-third of black people hold similarly negative views.”