More Data Suggests Fitness Matters More Than Weight –

More Data Suggests Fitness Matters More Than Weight –

The vocab acrobatics in this are pretty hilarious. “The lowest mortality risks were among those in the overweight category (B.M.I.s of 25 to 30), while moderate obesity (30 to 35) offered no more risk than being in the normal-weight category.” So “normal” sounds really meaningful then ;)

Risks of Obesity: Financial Cost/Benefit Analysis | Psychology Today

Risks of Obesity: Financial Cost/Benefit Analysis | Psychology Today

“An alternative reading of the data might suggest that the war on obesity is the source of increased costs rather than higher BMI itself. ” “Because BMI is considered a risk factor for many diseases, obese persons are automatically relegated to greater testing and treatment, which means that positing BMI as a risk factor results in increased costs, regardless of whether BMI itself is problematic.”