Critical News Literacy in a Non-Democratic Regime: How Young Russians NavigateTheir News | Florian Toepfl –

Critical News Literacy in a Non-Democratic Regime: How Young Russians NavigateTheir News | Florian Toepfl –

“Thus, while scholars of the impact of the internet in non-democratic regimes have barely turned to the concept of media literacy, scholars of medialiteracy have barely turned to study non-democratic regimes. Against this backdrop, one of the primary aims of the present article is to link these two academic debates by, tentatively,suggesting a concept of critical news literacy as it can be conceived of in a contemporary non-democratic regime.”

Symphysiotomy survivors gather to recount stories of torture

Symphysiotomy survivors gather to recount stories of torture

‘Often performed in the place of the more commonplace Caesarean section, symphysiotomies involved breaking the woman’s pelvis during childbirth. The Survivors of Symphysiotomy (SOS) group claims that the operations were carried out without prior knowledge or consent “mainly for religious reasons, by obstetricians who were opposed to family planning.”’

AT MY TABLE – A Fancy Meal for Friends, Simply –

AT MY TABLE – A Fancy Meal for Friends, Simply –

BELGIAN ENDIVE AND GRAIN MUSTARD SALAD Time: 15 minutes. 1/2 cup shelled hazelnuts 1 teaspoon grain mustard 2 teaspoons lime juice 2 teaspoons orange juice 1 teaspoon honey 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon sesame oil 1 tablespoon vegetable or corn oil 1 pound red or white Belgian endive, separated into leaves 1 bunch watercress.