Month: January 2012
Social construction of tools, etc. “Kelly is a prime example of the influential folks in Silicon Valley who would fail any graduate course in Science and Technology Studies for this kind of commitment to technological determinism.” Ha ;)
Seven Lessons from SOPA/PIPA/Megaupload and Four Proposals on Where We Go From Here | TechPresident
BACnet Interface to Web Services (High capacity)
BACnet Interface to Web Services (High capacity)
outdated, for ref
Painless Functional Specifications – Part 3: But… How? – Joel on Software
Painless Functional Specifications – Part 3: But… How? – Joel on Software
Mostly about program managers and software design process… this is not agile but also not totally counter-agile.
The Joel Test: 12 Steps to Better Code – Joel on Software
Informal History Of Programming Ideas
Software Experts Ipersonally Respect
The Shlemiel way of software – Microsoft –
The Shlemiel way of software – Microsoft –
“Theres two limitations to the Web: One is the quality of the user interface you can create, which is deliberately hobbled by incompatibilities between Javascript implementations and DOM and stuff like that, deliberately hobbled by Microsoft pulling the plug on Internet Explorer development.”