VEMF – Victoria Electronic Music Festival – August 5 & 6, 2006
Month: August 2006
Geisha asobi blog
Steal This Sweater:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Knitting with a Vengeance!
MOG: Ma Quale Idea (fistula_spume’s blog)
MONDO 2000
MONDO 2000: Two Heads Talking
David Byrne in conversation with Timothy Leary
Bruce Sterling
eG Forums -> El Bulli 2006 reports
Beautiful people tend to have girls, say scientists – Newspaper Edition – Times Online
Beautiful people tend to have girls, say scientists – Newspaper Edition – Times Online
This is very odd, in that a baby’s sex is determined by the sperm. No mention of ova getting selective, although that would be cool.
Hans Rosling on TED Talks
(18 minutes)