Tag: systems
What songbirds could teach us about constructive tweeting
What mechanisms allow birdsong cultures to accumulate, instead of collapsing into either high conformity or chaos? In the lab, the emergence of song culture can be studied by establishing a new songbird colony, starting with an isolated bird that never had an opportunity to learn a song from an adult tutor. This new song will be abnormal: isolated songs are often not even recognisable as belonging to the species. Juvenile birds, however, will readily imitate the abnormal song of their isolated colony founder, as will their offspring. But with each generation, the songs become slightly more similar to the typical species ‘format’, and within four generations a culture of wild-type songs will emerge de novo. This is because birds have an innate sense of aesthetics: while imitating a song, the bird modifies it a little to make it sound ‘right’.
Trying to Fix a Bad Land-Use Plan With a Bad Transit Plan
Will pedestrians and cyclists bully self-driving cars? : TreeHugger
How Wolves Change Rivers
An End to Self-Care | B Loewe – Organizing Upgrade
New Currency Frontiers: Membrane Currencies
New Economy, New Wealth by Arthur Brock on Prezi
Lower Costs and Better Care for Neediest Patients : The New Yorker
Places to Intervene in a System by Donella H. Meadows – developer.*, Developer Dot Star
Places to Intervene in a System by Donella H. Meadows – developer.*, Developer Dot Star
via sherwin, from whole earth once upon a time.