Tag: programming
Getting Close to the Machine (Ftrain.com)
Reflections on Programming
“GETTING CLOSE TO THE MACHINE )From “Out of Time: Reflections on the Programming Life,” by Ellen Ullman, a chapter in Resisting the Virtual Life, edited by James Brook and Iain A. Boal, to be published this month by City Lights in San Francisco. Ullman is a software engineer living in San Francisco.”
The dumbing-down of programming – Salon.com
The dumbing-down of programming – Salon.com
Coding Horror: Please Don’t Learn to Code
Coding Horror: Please Don’t Learn to Code
“It assumes that more code in the world is an inherently desirable thing. In my thirty year career as a programmer, I have found this not to be the case. Should you learn to write code? No, I can’t get behind that. You should be learning to write as little code as possible. Ideally none.” “Before you go rushing out to learn to code, figure out what your problem actually is. Do you even have a problem?”
Nick Kwiatek Web & interaction designer + developer
Nick Kwiatek Web & interaction designer + developer
“People create programs to direct processes. In effect, we conjure the spirits of the computer with our spells.” The Structure & Interpretation of Computer Programs