Tag: opendata
Vancouver’s Open Data Catalogue –
How’d They Vote? :: Canadian MPs in Focus
Represent | elected officials and electoral districts database
Keeping tabs on Canadas Parliament | openparliament.ca
OpenDataBC | Google Groups
Victoria, BC, Canada – Opendataday
The best way to get value from data is to give it away | World news | guardian.co.uk
Symbionomics: The Blog: The Core of MetaCurrency
Symbionomics: The Blog: The Core of MetaCurrency
“The ability to record stuff that happened in the real world, and derive useful information from those records (such as account balances, or average user ratings) is obviously very powerful. Just being in the business of 3rd party record keeping can concentrate massive amounts of wealth (just look at the banking industry). What’s more, as the failure of many local currencies has shown us, this architecture can be highly fragile, subject to the petty personal politics that so often run rampant in activist circles. What if we had a way to perform all the same functions, but without the middle man? What if our records could be distributed in such a way that they couldn’t be tampered with, and privacy was still protected? We believe this shift would open up vast new possibilities for how we organize ourselves economically, as well as offer a resilience to our economy heretofore unrealized. “