Tag: money
The Memory Hole: Individualist Anarchism
2007surveyresults.pdf (application/pdf Object)
Wesabe Get to Know Your Money
Ginnie Mae: Your Path to Homeownership
Open Source Accounting Software | GnuCash
Lawrence Lessig – Required Reading: the next 10 years
Lawrence Lessig – Required Reading: the next 10 years
I love convergences like this. Time for new democracy, so we can all give our work away like we do.
Is it a good idea to invest in “forever” stamps? – By Nathaniel Rich – Slate Magazine
Is it a good idea to invest in “forever” stamps? – By Nathaniel Rich – Slate Magazine
stamp prices go up more slowly than inflation, so stamps get cheaper over time. sigh. why else would canada post corp start offering this? prepaid is pretty much always a rip off.