Tag: models
Modeling for teen-girl clothes on Tmall, 72-year-old grandpa becomes Internet sensation | Offbeat China
Male Models: The Female of the Species |
Neo4j Blog: Modeling categories in a graph database
NoSQL Data Modeling Techniques Highly Scalable Blog
The Models We Use UIE Brain Sparks
The Core of MetaCurrency: Composable Abstractions for Wealth Building | The MetaCurrency Project
The Core of MetaCurrency: Composable Abstractions for Wealth Building | The MetaCurrency Project
“All along, we knew there had to be a way for currencies to reference other currencies, and even be contained in other currencies.”
ni9e blog: Skymall Liberation
Design Observer: writings about design & culture
PHI350: The Stages in the Dying Process
PHI350: The Stages in the Dying Process
lists three alternatives to kubler-ross model; all pretty limited.