Sign language that African Americans use is different from that of whites – The Washington Post
Tag: language
What are the hardest languages to learn?
What are the hardest languages to learn?
“The Foreign Service Institute of the U.S. Department of State compiles learning expectations for many languages based on the amount of time it takes a native english speaker to achieve speaking and reading proficiency.”
I Learned to Speak Four Languages in a Few Years: Here’s How
About WordNet -WordNet – About WordNet
Natural Language Toolkit NLTK 2.0 documentation
Fairbanks Daily News-Miner – New study highlights the intelligence of ravens
New Currency Frontiers: Critical to expand perception of Currencies
New Currency Frontiers: Critical to expand perception of Currencies
“Consider how many hundreds of millions of people are freely participating in currencies like five-star product ratings, eBay reputation, user participation metrics, certifications, college degrees, performance reviews, stocks, stamps, movie tickets, etc. in contrast to how few are participating in general purpose money substitutes (LETS, Berks, local currencies, and even commercial barter).”
A story about expressive capacity flow
A story about expressive capacity flow
“Everybody issuing their own current-sees isnt like everybody creating their own 100,000 picture pictogram system just because they can. Its like everybody learning a new wealth alphabet in which they can begin to speak wealth-acknowledgments to each other in new useful systemic patterns that reveal the flows in communities that actually build wealth.”
Garden path sentence – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Garden path sentence – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
“lured into an improper parse”
List of linguistic example sentences – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
List of linguistic example sentences – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
If the police police police police, who polices the police police? Police police police police police police!