Tag: gender
One Tenacious Baby Mama: Ripped from the pages of Second Waver…
One Tenacious Baby Mama: Ripped from the pages of Second Waver…
a pretty great primer on gender, in the “what would aliens think of us” genre…
Beware breast implants on Flickr – Photo Sharing!
ECHIDNE OF THE SNAKES: Why Beautiful People Have More Daughters, Part 1.
ECHIDNE OF THE SNAKES: Why Beautiful People Have More Daughters, Part 1.
i hope this is a good critique. evopsych is so intense when it is bad.
Twisted Twee baby gear
Compulsory Heterosexuality and the Lesbian Experience, by Adrienne Rich
Girl on Girl: a documentary by the Miss Nomer Collective
The Proper Study Of Mankind: Neuroeconomics: The pleasure of other peoples pain
::HorsePigCow:: marketing uncommon The insidious danger of danger
::HorsePigCow:: marketing uncommon The insidious danger of danger
“The precise reason that people bully others is to shut them up. 9 times out of 10, they dont want to harm them physically, they want to silence them. However, this tactic doesnt seem to work too well on men.”