Creator of Instant Messaging Protocol to Launch App Platform for Your Life
Tag: decentralized
Smoke Signals | the human network
Welcome to the Metacurrency Project | The MetaCurrency Project
Independence Day | Danny O’Brien’s Oblomovka
Edge: THE NEXT RENAISSANCE: A Talk By Douglas Rushkoff
Edge: THE NEXT RENAISSANCE: A Talk By Douglas Rushkoff
“The Renaissance also brought us centralized currencies, chartered corporations, and nation states. As individuals become concerned with their personal plights, their former power as a collective moves to central authorities.”
Here Comes Everybody: The Power of Organizing Without Organizations (Event Video/Audio) | Berkman Center
Protest Culture — Ad Hoc vs Institutional, and What it Means (Event Video/Audio) | Berkman Center
Brad’s Thoughts on the Social Graph
NoseRub Blog
yay! this looks quite functional already