Tag: css
Mobile Boilerplate
Give Floats the Flick in CSS Layouts SitePoint Blogs
Give Floats the Flick in CSS Layouts SitePoint Blogs
“You say no kittens were harmed but I suspect you may have hurt their feelings.”
Media Queries
text-align: centaur;
Front end standards
The 1140px CSS Grid System/Framework Fluid down to mobile
The 1140px CSS Grid System/Framework Fluid down to mobile
12-column jello grid.
Styling File Inputs with CSS and the DOM // ShaunInman.com
Dojo gets a speed boost on IE6 and IE7 SOS
Dojo gets a speed boost on IE6 and IE7 SOS
Can’t get enough of browser innards right now. Ha. “We hit a bit of a wall at one point when analysing the performance profiles, where there was a 1.5 second gap in the profile where it seemed like nothing was happening, but everything was paused with the CPU at 100%. We eventually discovered that there is a horrible bug in IE7 where if you have a :hover style on something that is not an anchor tag, it causes the rendering engine to go crazy, get all confused, and push the CPU up to 100% for no reason at all.”
“Making sprites is hard.” ?? Um.