Tag: colonialism
Parsing the online comments on #IdleNoMore
The Role of Indigenous Men in Ending Violence Against Women – ICTMN.com
The Role of Indigenous Men in Ending Violence Against Women – ICTMN.com
Kind of an amazing framing of colonial violence as inevitable: “But one statistic that struck me was a study that concluded that 80 per cent of violence against Indigenous women and girls is perpetrated by non-Indigenous people and 20 per cent by Indigenous. And it occurred to me that, while there is not much we can do directly about the 80 per cent, the 20 per cent by Indigenous men is preventable.”
On the Olympics & Being Indigenous | Leanne Betasamosake Simpson
What Is Settler Colonialism?
‘We’ve gone way beyond Apartheid’ – Opinion – Al Jazeera English
Opinion: Oppal misses opportunity to make inquiry meaningful process
Opinion: Oppal misses opportunity to make inquiry meaningful process
Whoa, the Vancouver Sun talking about genocide and ongoing colonial violence?
In 3rd grade I got sent to the principal’s office because…
Why Liberal Religious Arguments Fail | Politics | Religion Dispatches
Why Liberal Religious Arguments Fail | Politics | Religion Dispatches
oh hey relationships.