Month: July 2018
Magic Mike XXL Is Basically ‘The Odyssey,’ But With Butts
World’s translators push back on forcing Trump interpreter to testify – Victoria News
Study of Seattle Crows Finds Some Have Sex With the Dead – Slog – The Stranger
Physicists Are Misled by Outdated Notions of ‘Beauty’ – Motherboard
Small Things Considered: Biofilms Utilize Competition For Maximum Growth
A digital capitalism Marx might enjoy – MIT Technology Review
The Future of Public Art in Five Phases – Next City
One notable feature of the post-2008 world was that economic austerity policies, once sadistically directed at Third World countries as part of their debt crises, came to be applied to the economies of the debt-ridden First World itself. It may be worth noting, then, that cultivating local tourist attractions, packaging local traditions, and selling handicrafts has long been the preferred development advice for Third World countries that lack industries competitive with more sophisticated foreign rivals.
If economic growth continues to be captured by the wealthiest layer of society, then the cities or regions that will continue to grow will be the ones that manage to transform themselves to cater to this layer. Yet because the spoils of this economy are so unevenly shared, and concentrated in a minority, growth must almost by definition be uneven and experienced by a minority of locations. It cannot be that metropolitan hubs like New York will suck up larger quantities of this attention at the same time that second- and third-tier cities all simultaneously transform themselves into vital sites of cultural tourism.
Indigenous-owned company plans effluent pipe, sewage lagoon and nuclear waste storage facility in heart of Ottawa – Walking Eagle News
Visiting an Experimental, Do-It-Yourself Library in Brooklyn | Literary Hub
Visitors assemble their own collections.
Visiting an Experimental, Do-It-Yourself Library in Brooklyn