Cops being dicks, but also.
an appendix to
Cops being dicks, but also.
Why when you feel the cap of a mushroom in the woods, does it feel cool and somewhat moist? If you blamed evaporation, you would be right. But how come this takes place? It turns out that evaporation leads to the creation of air currents, and that is a good thing for the dispersal of the mushrooms’ spores. Mushrooms have an intense preoccupation for spreading their spores afield, a way to ensure the occupancy of new and distant sites.
In conclusion, mushrooms make their own climate.
And why should she have to endure it alone? Rape is the product of societal attitudes toward women and their worth. Everyone wants her to keep it private, but her effort to register the rape is precisely to make it a matter of public record. If it is public, then everyone has to deal with it. The individual, the hero of American freedoms and democracy, is, in this brilliant work, forced to be an enemy of the state.
Source: Officinalis – Wikipedia
Fun list :)
The war always comes home