Bumble Bees Life Cycle and Bombus Boxes For Sale – Hutchings Bee Service
Month: March 2012
This is how the 41st general election shouldve… | unfuckwithable.ca
This is how the 41st general election shouldve… | unfuckwithable.ca
“This is how the 41st general election shouldve turned out if we didnt have numerous voting irregularities and without the effects of robocalling [source] in each of the affected ridings. The Crux: There would not be a Conservative majority government.”
Are sex offenders and lads mags using the same language? – University of Surrey – Guildford
Are sex offenders and lads mags using the same language? – University of Surrey – Guildford
Psychologists from Middlesex University and the University of Surrey found that when presented with descriptions of women taken from lads mags, and comments about women made by convicted rapists, most people who took part in the study could not distinguish the source of the quotes.
Anti-Censorship & Transparency – Roger Dingledine – YouTube
Anti-Censorship & Transparency – Roger Dingledine – YouTube
Good overview :)
Yo, Is This Racist? | Yo, this my gramma is old, so its ok for her to be racist argument is some serious bullshit. If my (white) grandparents were willing to get teargassed at Selma in 1965, the least these racist dummies could do is get with the
Guest Post: A Doctor on Transvaginal Ultrasounds Whatever
The White Savior Industrial Complex – Teju Cole – International – The Atlantic
The White Savior Industrial Complex – Teju Cole – International – The Atlantic
A good overview of the general idea?