Fashion is a Feminist Issue | Greta Christina’s Blog
“So again: Fashion is one of the very few forms of expression in which women have more freedom than men. And I dont think its an accident that its typically seen as shallow, trivial, and vain.”
an appendix to
Fashion is a Feminist Issue | Greta Christina’s Blog
“So again: Fashion is one of the very few forms of expression in which women have more freedom than men. And I dont think its an accident that its typically seen as shallow, trivial, and vain.”
The Salivating Press | Digital Bond
Ralph Langner: “it is difficult to understand the fuzz around Duqu and the water facility hack when all of Stuxnets vulnerabilities are still there, with exploit code in the wild, and an ICS-CERT that officially says it doesnt intend to do anything about it. “
Um, they concluded that modern medicine is more harmful than cancer? “The College of Family Physicians of Canada has endorsed the guidelines.”
5 Personality Flaws Skyrim Forces You To Deal With |
“I just hid on top of a bookshelf where he couldn’t reach me and shot him with arrows. Then I waited until he forgot I was shooting him, and did it all again to get the sneak damage bonus.”
Number one tumblr. Nice.