Month: May 2006
Pandemic Influenza Planning Checklist for Individuals and Families |
Like Scratches in the Sand – This would have been easier if I could draw.
Like Scratches in the Sand – This would have been easier if I could draw.
Men with low self-esteem, in tights.
Diary of a Mad Brown Woman: I want my mommy.
Fun With The Reviewers: Deepa Mehta’s Water – Sepia Mutiny
Fun With The Reviewers: Deepa Mehta’s Water – Sepia Mutiny
where have i been? this is a really awesome level of discussion, esp. on the internet.
NPR : Kronos Quartet – About the Show, In Rehearsal
The Dum Maro Dum Project – Sepia Mutiny
The Dum Maro Dum Project – Sepia Mutiny
good comments and links
Welcome to
Creationism dismissed as ‘a kind of paganism’ by Vatican’s astronomer
Creationism dismissed as ‘a kind of paganism’ by Vatican’s astronomer
“It’s not like he has a magic power”