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HP Pavilion Gaming Laptop Intel RST Optane Instal Linux Workaround Guide – Linux Mint Forums
Solution 1:
Where to obtain Linux Mint 18 XFCE? They don’t host it anymore, the only place you can find it is the Internet Archive, location below: the link doesn’t work, let me know and I will post somewhere people can download.1. boot to bios2. disable safeboot(leave UEFI and do not enable Legacy mode. SSD on this hardware is only working in UEFI. )3. boot to bios4. disable optane5. boot to linux live cd6. open disks7. delete all partitions on the host drive that you want to install linux on.8. format drive9. create ext4 partition10. reboot to Linux Live cd11. Now you can install linux and choose LVM (LVM requires UEFI)~~~ LVM = Logic Volume Manager(If you don’t use LVM, you will have to manually create partitions. Resizing and managing partitions manually is a complete waste of time.)12. Once booted into Linux, you may upgrade OS and packages normally.(first thing I would do is upgrade the OS, very easy to do now that you have a working linux distro.)
Solution 2:
RESOLVED by physically removing PCI Express from HP laptop. Easy on HP 15T-CS as PCI is visible after opening laptop and bit harder on X360 as PCI is under the motherboard (need to remove it first). Options, PCI Express is not needed if HD is working and in good condition, by removing PCI Linux Mint USB boot install will see HD and complete installation. Second option is to buy a new PCI Express 240Gb or 480GB SATA SSD (internet) and install if HD is bad not working. PCI Express slot is /dev/sdb (secondary) reason it could be removed w/o affecting Linux Mint installation.
Source: HP Pavilion Gaming Laptop Intel RST Optane Instal Linux Workaround Guide – Linux Mint Forums